Privacy policy:
At AmazonPlugins we value your privacy. The only response you will get to any inquiry will be directly related to that inquiry. Your email address will categorically not be passed on to anyone else and it will only be used by AmazonPlugins in relation to this single inquiry. It will categorically not be included in any mailing list at AmazonPlugins nor will it be passed to any third party for this purpose.
While working on your project/s we may have access to some of your personal or sensitive information. This will only be used as necessary for the construction of your website or other services that you have sourced from AmazonPlugins.
GDPR Policy
General Data Protection Regulation
The EU General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) is a comprehensive data protection law that came into effect on May 25, 2018. It replaced existing EU Data Protection law to strengthen the protection of “personal data” and the rights of the individual. It’s a single set of rules which governs the processing and monitoring of EU data.
Data processing agreement and privacy policy
We log the minimum amount of data for the minimum amount of time to provide you with a quality level of service. This includes:
Google Analytics and Analytics collected directly
Personal Data: Cookies and Usage Data
Contacting the User
Contact form
Personal Data: email address, first name, last name and phone number
Phone contact
Personal Data: phone number
Mailing list or newsletter
Personal Data: country, email address, first name and last name
Content commenting
Comment system managed directly
Personal Data: Cookies, email address, first name and website
Data transfer outside the EU
Data transfer from the EU and/or Switzerland to the U.S based on Privacy Shield and Data transfer to countries that guarantee European standards
Personal Data: various types of Data
Displaying content from external platforms
Personal Data: email address and Usage Data
Handling payments
Personal Data: various types of Data as specified in the privacy policy of the service
Interaction with external social networks and platforms
Facebook Like button and social widgets, Twitter Tweet button and social widgets and Google+ +1 button and social widgets
Personal Data: Cookies and Usage Data
Interaction with live chat platforms
None so far
Interaction with support and feedback platforms
None so far
Managing contacts and sending messages
Personal Data: email address
Registration and authentication
Direct registration
Personal Data: email address and username
Remarketing and behavioral targeting
Facebook Custom Audience
Personal Data: Cookies and email address
Facebook Remarketing
Personal Data: Cookies and Usage Data
RSS feed management
Personal Data: Cookies and Usage Data
SPAM protection
Google reCAPTCHA
Personal Data: Cookies and Usage Data
Further information about Personal Data
Selling goods and services online
The Personal Data collected are used to provide the User with services or to sell goods, including payment and possible delivery.
The Personal Data collected to complete the payment may include the credit card, the bank account used for the transfer, or any other means of payment envisaged. The kind of Data collected by depends on the payment system used.
Analysis and predictions based on the User’s Data (“profiling”)
The Owner may use the Personal and Usage Data collected through to create or update User profiles. This type of Data processing allows the Owner to evaluate User choices, preferences and behaviour for the purposes outlined in the respective section of this document.
User profiles can also be created through the use of automated tools like algorithms, which can also be provided by third parties. To find out more, about the profiling activities performed, Users can check the relevant sections of this document.
The User always has a right to object to this kind of profiling activity. To find out more about the User’s rights and how to exercise them, the User is invited to consult the section of this document outlining the rights of the User.
Terms and Conditions When You Buy Our Products
Please check this page for more details.
Design/development services terms and conditions:
To the fullest extent permitted at law AmazonPlugins provide this website and its contents on an ‘as is’ basis and we make no warranties until a client enters into an agreement with us on pay for service basis. Then the agreement of the service will determine the nature of representations and warranties.
AmazonPlugins seeks to ensure that all material on this site is accurate and current. However, AmazonPlugins is not responsible for the content of any external websites which may be linked to from this site.
The following terms and conditions apply to general website design services offered by AmazonPlugins. By ordering services from AmazonPlugins you are agreeing to the following terms and conditions. If QC enters into a specific written agreement with you then the details of that agreement will determine the nature of representations of that particular agreement relating to payments, deliverables, etc.
We reserve the right to refuse to construct a website that we may judge as unfit due to content or otherwise. This includes but is not limited by, sites containing adult-oriented material such as pornography, sites that promote hatred towards persons belonging to any ethnic group, religion or sexual orientation and sites which infringe copyright.
The acceptance of a commission shall be deemed as a contractual agreement between the client and AmazonPlugins.
AmazonPlugins cannot always guarantee to start work immediately on a commission but will arrange a date with the client as to when work can commence.
All material, both text and images, supplied by the client and used in the construction of the client’s website, will remain the client’s property. All such material will be assumed to be the property of the client and free to use without fear of breach of copyright laws.
The copyright for all material provided by AmazonPlugins, such as HTML code, graphics, photographs, and text, will remain the property of AmazonPlugins until such time as payment has been made in full.
AmazonPlugins makes every effort to design pages that display acceptably in the most popular current browsers but cannot accept responsibility for pages that do not display acceptably in new versions of browsers released after pages have been designed.
AmazonPlugins can accept no responsibility or liability if any search engine, online directory, or search site, submitted to as part of a website promotion, chooses not to list a client’s website.
AmazonPlugins will initially place the client’s website on one of AmazonPlugins’s demonstration servers during development in order that the client may view and comment upon the website’s progress. When both AmazonPlugins and the client agree that the website meets the criteria agreed upon during the commissioning process, AmazonPlugins will invoice the client for the full amount due for the commission. On receipt of payment, AmazonPlugins will publish the website on the client’s server, or provide the source code for the site via a download (or cd-rom disk) for the client to upload.
If at any point during the Website Development Cycle, a client wishes to cancel, they may do so and the client will be refunded his payment already made but must not use any of the works done by AmazonPlugins in any manner
If, during the Website Development Cycle, the client does not supply the content required in order to complete the commission within a reasonable amount of time, AmazonPlugins may charge extra to restart work on that project.
AmazonPlugins expects payment by cheque, credit card, or cash within 07 days of the date on the invoice.
Any payment returned by the bank or credit card company will incur a 60 USD administration charge. This will be invoiced and will be added to the total outstanding debt owed by the customer.
AmazonPlugins does not undertake to maintain or update a client’s website as part of the design commission. If a client wishes AmazonPlugins to maintain or update a website as a separate commission, AmazonPlugins will negotiate with the client a maintenance contract appropriate to the amount of work required. Website maintenance may also be undertaken on a time and materials basis if the client so wishes.
AmazonPlugins reserves the right to alter prices at any time without notice. If a client has commissioned any services from AmazonPlugins prior to a change in prices, that commission will not be subject to any increase, but any subsequent commission may be subject to an increase.
By agreeing to these terms and conditions your statutory rights are not affected.
AmazonPlugins reserves the right to change or modify any of the terms and conditions contained in the Terms and Conditions.
If you have any complaints about the quality of service you have received from AmazonPlugins please e-mail to, or write to us at
E-1/A, T&T Colony, Maghbazar, Dhaka-1217
Phone : 8801676408238
Please note that we do not accept unsolicited sales calls on this number Stating the full nature of your complaint. We take customer satisfaction very seriously and will investigate your complaint promptly and thoroughly.